InProAndroidDevbyKirill RozovWhat’s new in Android 14 for developersReview of most important changes in API and new features in Android 14 that developers need to adoptOct 4, 202319Oct 4, 202319
Evan ChenAndroid 效能優化系列 — 20 使用 Profiler 找出記憶體的異常使用我們在 Memory leak 篇介紹了如何使用 Profiler 來找出 Memory leak。接著將繼續介紹使用 Profiler 來分析記憶體。Profiler 所統計的記憶體使用是指單獨 App 的記憶體使用,不包含系統資源或其他 App。Oct 12, 2022Oct 12, 2022
Arun YogeshwaranRepresenting UIState with Sealed ClassesKotlin offers some cool features right out of its standard library and one such feature is Sealed classes. In this blog, we will see how it…Oct 12, 2021Oct 12, 2021
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InCodeXbyJoao FoltranCasting in Kotlin — Do you really know it?The Kotlin compiler is quite smart when it comes to casting. It reduces the amount of repeated code and helps predict casting exceptions…Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
InDigiGeekbyömer iyiözFrom Zero To Hero Series ( Kotlin Sequences, Channels, Flows ) — Part 3 — FlowsWe will learn Kotlin flows with 29 examples in this lesson. This will be a long journey. 🏄♂️Jul 5, 20211Jul 5, 20211
Florent BlotKotlin Flow: Best PracticesSince few months, @Geev, we used Kotlin Flow inside our Android application. It is a really beautiful library to use, it helps us to write…Aug 3, 20223Aug 3, 20223
InAndroid DevelopersbyManuel VivoEasy Coroutines in Android: viewModelScopeCancelling coroutines when they are no longer needed can be a task easy to forget, it’s monotonous work and adds a lot of boilerplate code…Mar 19, 201918Mar 19, 201918
InPicCollage Company BlogbyYANBIN HUNG最佳化你的 gradle 建置時間(As a Android project)在寫這篇文的當下是端午連假的第一天,應該這時候很多人都出去玩吧!但我沒有什麼特別的規劃,就利用時間,紀錄一下最近在公司專案做的事情,我將公司專案的建構時間提升了快兩倍(原本 9–10 分鐘變成 4–5 分鐘)。Jun 27, 20202Jun 27, 20202
InTrendyol TechbyMustafa Berkay MutluModularising Trendyol Android App for Build EfficiencyIn this article we’ll look at how to organise Gradle modules to allow building in parallel to shorten the build time.Jun 24, 20223Jun 24, 20223